Full stack Developer @ Knowdive

Project Commencement and Evolution

I embarked on this project as a part of my thesis, laying the foundation for what would evolve into a comprehensive web application with far-reaching capabilities. The project initially centered around the design and development of an interface for reading and managing a Knowledge Organization System (referred to as KOS). Over time, this endeavor expanded to become an extensible web application, instrumental in deploying data-driven interfaces.

Design Phase

The journey commenced with a meticulous design phase, marked by the following key activities:

  • User Experience Studies: At the project’s inception, I conducted in-depth User Experience studies by engaging with various members of the research group. These studies offered valuable insights into their daily usage of the existing KOS interface and related tools.
  • Component Design: I meticulously designed components, each intended for use in various sections of the new interface. These designs were rooted in the data models that formed the foundation of the KOS.
  • Modular Web Interface: The heart of the design lay in the creation of a modular and extensible web interface, characterized by the concept of internal applications. Each of these applications was tailor-made to cater to different business processes, meticulously aligned with the specific requirements of our customers.
  • RESTful API: A key aspect of the design included the creation of a RESTful API. This API played a pivotal role in interconnecting our system, the main product of the research group, with third-party services, thereby enhancing the overall functionality of the system.

Implementation Phase

The project transitioned seamlessly from design to implementation, and I took on the responsibility of developing both the backend and frontend of the application. Notably, the entire implementation was executed using JavaScript, leveraging the power of Angular and Node.js.

Expanded Responsibilities

As the project gained momentum and the group recognized its potential as a cornerstone for their business proposals, I assumed additional responsibilities. These included:

  • Project Management: Managing various research projects within the group, ensuring seamless integration and collaboration among team members.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Eliciting the requirements of stakeholders and meticulously designing solutions that hinged on our technology, ensuring that they aligned with our overarching project goals.

This project reflects my journey as a Full Stack Developer, encompassing design, development, and a significant expansion of responsibilities. It underscores my ability to engineer solutions that are not only technically robust but also aligned with the diverse needs of stakeholders and end-users.
